The church began on Pentecost around 2000 years ago in an upper room where disciples had gathered for prayer as they waited for what Jesus called the promise of the Father. The Holy Spirit was poured out on that group of people, initiating a world-wide discipleship movement that is still going. They had no formal training, structure, or facilities of their own; yet, they were incredibly effective.
Could it be that God is restoring the church to his original model?
Genesis relates the account of the tower of Babel, which was constructed by a group of people who wished to make a name for themselves and avoid being scattered over the face of the earth. (Genesis 11:4) Human beings habitually seek what makes them feel good about themselves, often in contradiction to God’s clear commands. Jesus commissioned the church to go and make disciples, not to settle for congregating in the same place indefinitely and build grand facilities.
The church has been lured by the Babel principle away from the the main thing, which is the pursuit of the Great Commission. Could it be that God is introducing corrective measures to prepare his church to be effective during the pressures and persecutions of the last days?
Despite our Lord’s clear command, the church in Jerusalem stayed put, growing ever larger, UNTIL persecution arrived. Then the disciples were scattered all over the place, taking the gospel with them, which was an indirect route to arrive at obedience to the Great Commission. It took persecution to propel the church out of its comfort zone into the world. Nothing much has changed. I believe persecution is headed our way. Can you hear the wolves howling in the distance?
Due to restrictive measures taken due to fears of the coronavirus, many individuals have been reexamining the effectiveness of how we do church. Many are hungering for the fellowship, person-to-person ministry, and reality that comes via the small group.
By God’s grace, our leadership thought through how structure must conform to mission years ago, which means we are already in a mode that can survive and thrive during lock downs and persecution, should we be forced to go underground.
In the next few articles, I plan to share some of the things we have learned along the way, in the hope that it can help others who may find themselves choosing to adopt a similar model. May the Lord help us all to fully follow him as the Last Days unfold before our eyes.