He is risen! Imagine the joy behind those words! Have you ever gone from abject hopelessness and sorrow to ecstatic joy in a moment? Those early disciples did. Even though Jesus repeatedly told them that he would die on the cross and rise again, they did not believe him. So when the news of his resurrection reverberated among his followers, the shroud of unbelief fell away from their hearts and minds. For the first time, they truly understood that Jesus is the Messianic King of Israel, the Lord of all creation, the One whom they would henceforth follow and serve unreservedly.
Jesus willingly laid down his life so that others can live. He understood and embraced his role as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. (John 1:29) He died because he and his heavenly Father loved people who were his enemies so much that he was willing to give up his rights to justice to secure a pardon for us. He was willing to lay aside his freedom to secure ours. He was willing to forfeit his own future in order to give us one.
Our Lord’s sacrifice stands in stark contrast to other religions that advocate for others to die. Many followers of Islam think that it is noble to kill those who do not believe as they do. Their path to eternal bliss is to die as a martyr in the quest of killing unbelievers. Followers of the religion of Women’s Reproductive Rights demand the right to kill unwanted unborn babies at will in order to secure their own version of freedom. The difference could not be greater. Jesus laid down his life for others. Islam and the Women’s Reproductive Rights religion kill other people in the name of their belief system. Today we celebrate the risen Life Giver, not the life takers.
The world system in which we live is diametrically opposed to the rule of Jesus the Messiah King of Israel. It seeks to transform a day on which we remember the most glorious event in history, Jesus’s resurrection, into a holiday symbolized by bunny rabbits, dyed eggs, and new clothes. The religious system wants you to think that this day is more special than other days. Thousands of people will flood into church buildings today who may not attend any other day of the year. People who have no intention of actually following Christ and his teachings, think that going to church today is somehow significant and special. Hopefully they will hear the gospel message and surrender to the one who actually rose again from the dead over two thousand years ago. If not, the day is just another “feel good” religious exercise, that has no eternal value.
The only proper response to the news that Jesus is risen is worship and surrender.
If you are simply celebrating another holiday that the world has turned into Spring Break, you are missing everything. Jesus’ resurrection is the most important event in world history! It marked the turning point in the destiny of mankind! Whereas before we were doomed to eternal separation from God; now we have an invitation to be reconciled to him! Whereas before we all lived in the futility of self-direction and self-worship; now we can serve the One who laid down his life for us! Whereas before we were slaves to sin and doomed to die; now we can be truly free and live forever!
It all boils down to whether or not we are willing to bow our knees to Jesus and acknowledge that the Risen One is truly Lord.
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. Romans 10:9-10 (NLT)
Are you willing to serve the One who willingly laid down his life for you? Are you willing to receive all he died and rose to provide for you? Are you willing to follow him wherever he may lead? If so, pray this simple prayer from your heart. God will hear it and give you what you ask for.
Jesus, I believe that you died for my sins and rose again in triumph over death, sin, sickness, and the devil. I don’t want to live for myself any longer. I want to live for you. Forgive me for my former rebelliousness against you and your will for my life. I surrender the rights to my life to you. I don’t exactly know what that means yet, but I trust you. Come, Holy Spirit, fill me with your presence and power. Help me to live for Jesus from now on. Help me to be a faithful witness to others, letting them know that they too can believe and receive all of God’s blessings. Amen.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, John 1:12 (NASB)