Our national election is fast approaching. Many people are disappointed that we are limited to the two candidates we have. Some have said that it is form of judgment upon our nation, to which I agree. The United States has never been a perfect nation by any means. We have done some terrible things to Native Americans and African slaves, among other things. Nevertheless, many in our nation over the years have sincerely sought God and tried to follow Christ and his teachings. We have had God-fearing leaders in the past, but, I believe I can safely say, that neither of our presidential candidates seem to fall into that category. When we reject God, we forfeit wisdom and God’s protection. It’s time to repent and ask God to restore the fear of the Lord, wisdom, and protect us from our enemies.
I just completed reading the life of Alfred the Great, the Anglo-Saxon king of England during the last half of the ninth century. He came to power during the height of the Viking incursions into that land. Much of his time and energy were consumed with leading his armies into battle and building up fortifications during times of peace. God used him to preserve the southernmost part of England from pagan domination and unify much of that nation.
Alfred was a deeply spiritual man who highly valued education. He brought in scholars to translate numerous books from Latin into English. He translated a few himself. Education was one of his priorities because he saw the value of teaching people wisdom and godliness. I read some of his own writings and thought that he would have been someone with whom I would like talk. He knew the Bible well and tried to live by Christ’s teachings. I can see why he was called “the Great.”
I could not help but think of how strongly he contrasts with many of today’s major leaders. We now live in a rather pagan world in which Christ and his teachings are not taken seriously by a large number of people. It is sadder still when those who call themselves Christians have little interest in studying God’s Word and living by its teachings. I encourage all followers of Christ who acknowledge his lordship in their lives to make a renewed commitment to studying the Bible and living out Christ’s teachings with the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit. It will be difficult and even hypocritical for us to call others to repentance, if we are still living self-directed lives. Let’s pray that God will send a spirit of repentance upon our nation and save us from ourselves and the consequences of our sins. Maybe one day, God will call us “great,” too, because we made him and his kingdom our priority.