A Time for Repentance

Pastor Pete Beck III • October 4, 2016

labor_day-cropped Our national election is fast approaching. Many people are disappointed that we are limited to the two candidates we have. Some have said that it is form of judgment upon our nation, to which I agree. The United States has never been a perfect nation by any means. We have done some terrible things to Native Americans and African slaves, among other things. Nevertheless, many in our nation over the years have sincerely sought God and tried to follow Christ and his teachings. We have had God-fearing leaders in the past, but, I believe I can safely say, that neither of our presidential candidates seem to fall into that category. When we reject God, we forfeit wisdom and God’s protection. It’s time to repent and ask God to restore the fear of the Lord, wisdom, and protect us from our enemies.

I just completed reading the life of Alfred the Great, the Anglo-Saxon king of England during the last half of the ninth century. He came to power during the height of the Viking incursions into that land. Much of his time and energy were consumed with leading his armies into battle and building up fortifications during times of peace. God used him to preserve the southernmost part of England from pagan domination and unify much of that nation.

Alfred was a deeply spiritual man who highly valued education. He brought in scholars to translate numerous books from Latin into English. He translated a few himself. Education was one of his priorities because he saw the value of teaching people wisdom and godliness. I read some of his own writings and thought that he would have been someone with whom I would like talk. He knew the Bible well and tried to live by Christ’s teachings. I can see why he was called “the Great.”

I could not help but think of how strongly he contrasts with many of today’s major leaders. We now live in a rather pagan world in which Christ and his teachings are not taken seriously by a large number of people. It is sadder still when those who call themselves Christians have little interest in studying God’s Word and living by its teachings. I encourage all followers of Christ who acknowledge his lordship in their lives to make a renewed commitment to studying the Bible and living out Christ’s teachings with the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit. It will be difficult and even hypocritical for us to call others to repentance, if we are still living self-directed lives. Let’s pray that God will send a spirit of repentance upon our nation and save us from ourselves and the consequences of our sins. Maybe one day, God will call us “great,” too, because we made him and his kingdom our priority.

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Christianity is not a spectator sport. The Reformation renewed some very important truths of the faith that had been lost over time, one of which is the priesthood of the believer . This doctrine means that in the New Covenant there is no clergy-laity distinction. Everyone is called to ministry. All followers of Christ are called, equipped, and expected to partner with the Holy Spirit in the adventure of using their spiritual gifts, time, energy, finances – everything – to fish for people and encourage them to become followers of Christ and fishers of men in their own right. Every football and basketball season an interesting phenomenon takes place. People personally identify with their favorite teams. When their team is doing well, they feel good about themselves and become enthusiastic, vocal, and visible fans. What is so intriguing is that many of us think that we somehow acquire greater worth and prestige, if our team excels and does better than the other teams. It is almost as if we were the ones who are competing. All big sporting events are filled with such fans who get satisfaction out of watching others play the game. So it is with many people who attend churches. We all know that playing and spectating are vastly different. When we spectate, we can imagine ourselves making better decisions and better plays than the players on the court or the field, but the reality is that we are not playing. Jesus has invited his followers actually to participate in the greatest adventure of being his Spirit-filled and empowered representatives. Unfortunately most of us who call ourselves Christians are merely spectating fans. We may agree with the concept of being involved in the Great Commission, but we have fallen into the trap of being passive, sitting on the sidelines, hoping that someone else will lead our family member, neighbor, or friend to Christ and teach them how to follow him fully. Many Christians think that evangelism is inviting someone to church, where they will hear the preacher talk about Christ. We do not see ourselves as the one who can best share the gospel with them. However, the truth of the matter is that we cannot transfer our responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission to someone else. God does not give us the option of merely being fans or spectators. God asks us to be players – disciples and disciple makers. Not everyone is equally gifted in this area, but we are all asked to participate. Some may win thousands to Christ, while others may help only a few become followers of the Master over a lifetime. Sadly, a great number of those who call themselves Christians have never led even one person to faith in Christ. In some cases they have given up trying. This ought not be. Could this be because we do not even talk about Jesus in a serious way with anyone outside of church meetings? Suggestions Ask God to forgive us for succumbing to laziness, fear, and the spirit of the age that tells us to keep our faith to ourselves. Ask the Holy Spirit to stir in us the fire of enthusiasm for Jesus and the Gospel. Ask him to give us a love for those who live around you who do not yet know Christ. Familiarize ourselves with the Gospel. (I recommend The King Jesus Gospel by McKnight. You can read my summary by clicking here or you may wish to read my articles on the subject .) Pray for opportunities to speak meaningfully to people. Make it a priority to get to know the people in your neighborhood, at work, at the gym, at school, and wherever you have the opportunity to connect. As we spend time in conversation, we will begin to see how Jesus and the Gospel can help them. Our care for them may give us a platform from which to speak about Jesus to them. Visit people and have them over to our homes. The more time we spend with people, the greater the opportunity we provide for the Holy Spirit to work in the relationships. Offer to pray for people on the spot when a genuine need for God’s help surfaces. Join a group (or start one) whose focus is fishing for people and making disciples. In many cases this will be what some call a “missional” church, as opposed to an event-oriented spectator church. We need to be encouraged in the work of the Great Commission because, although it is rewarding, it can be difficult and discouraging at times. Never, never, never, never give up. Our heavenly reward will be great!
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